
from - Aussaat

SCUM is the solo noise project by Sou Inomoto.
In 2008 Sou started experimenting in sound and made his debut on the Tokyo live scene under the name of scum in 2010. Centering around harsh noise, cut-up noise and sampling, he pursues to embody noise that reflects the speed factor of fastcore/grindcore where he’s from.
In 2010 he self-released his first album “ULTRA VOMIT”.
Since then he’s active releasing tracks in many different for-mats on domestic and foreign labels including some notable splits with such well-known artists as JAY RANDAL (Ago-raphobic Nosebleed, ex-ISIS), GOVERNMENT ALPHA, LIKE WEEDS (ex-FACIALMESS / Nikudorei) and UNSUSTAINABLE SOCIAL CONDITION.

LIFE SENTENCE is SCUM 3rd album, 9 intense tracks, incluidng collaborations with UNSUSTAINABLE SOCIAL CONDITION and GOVERNMENT ALPHA.